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WhoFi helps community spaces thrive in the digital age.
People’s expectations have changed. Patrons and visitors to community spaces spend more time online, more time at home, and value their local communities more.
Your space is part of the glue that holds your community together. You are what keeps your space running smoothly. We know you’ve been working diligently to keep up with all of the changes. We want your community space to not just survive, but thrive in the digital age.
WhoFi helps people who manage community spaces like libraries, parks, and museums by providing tools that make the job easier. Calendars, Meeting Rooms, Board Reporting, and WiFi Analytics tools help give patrons better experiences and make staff work lives easier. On this page you’ll find a few products we offer that can help you.
Community Calendar
You run programs and events at your space to keep your members connected. Your members or staff also run programs and events at your center. Big or small, there’s probably an event or a meetup happening in your building soon.
The Community Calendar was built to help keep patrons aware of what events are happening in your space while simplifying the management and record keeping you need for your boards and your sanity.
Meeting Rooms
Many community spaces offer meeting rooms or study rooms available to members. This is a wonderful benefit to the community! But managing which person or group has which room scheduled, and whether it was paid, or yet to be paid, can be a hassle. And when a mix up occurs, watch out! Tempers can flare when two groups have been promised the same room at the same time.
Meeting Rooms from WhoFi simplifies the registration, reminder, and management of study rooms at your space. And best of all, it integrates directly with Community Calendar. As your events take up rooms in your space, they become unavailable for patrons to book!
Question Sets
Often community spaces have boards or stakeholders that need to stay informed about what’s happening. In many systems, these reports can be generated, but they just look like a wall of numbers.
WhoFi has custom Board Reporting built into the suite of services. Quickly and easily generate eye popping reports for your boards to keep them engaged.
WiFi Analytics
Many community spaces offer WiFi to their members. Whether it’s to get work done, or just make them feel more at home, offering WiFi is a vital service to most community spaces.
WhoFi offers WiFi Analytics to help you gain insight into how many patrons are visiting and at what times all while protecting the privacy of each patron. Whether WiFi usage counts are needed for grants, reporting, or operational improvements WiFi Analytics can help you improve your center.
Hybrid Community Spaces
Many community spaces have found themselves transitioning the way they engage and interact with their members.
As people are spending more time on their phone, smart communities are meeting people where they are, and offering ways to engage both in-person and online.