Community Calendar
Community Calendar from WhoFi was built to simplify the tracking and reporting of programs and attendance for libraries of all sizes. The software easily integrates into your existing website or social media page improving patron visibility of events and simplifying the registration and reminder of patrons to attend events.
Program Tracking and Reporting Should Be Easier
Community Calendar from WhoFi was built to simplify the tracking and reporting of programs and attendance for libraries of all sizes. The software also improves patron visibility of programs at the library and simplifies the registration and reminder of patrons to attend events.
Library directors running community programs at their libraries have faced a common struggle over the years. While they love having the programs, tracking and reporting for boards and state reports is a hassle. A typical solution is to plan for an upcoming event, then add it to the library website calendar, then open a spreadsheet to keep track of attendance, then keep track of the program in another spreadsheet for annual state survey reporting. In states with Summer Reading reporting and at larger libraries, with multiple branches or program managers, the problem is compounded. Usually one person is given the time consuming position of combining everything into a master spreadsheet once a year or once a quarter.

Simplifying Programming Burdens Across the Board
Community Calendar is an all in one, program planning, patron registration, annual survey, and board reporting program rolled into an easy to use dashboard. By entering in your library’s programs just one time in one place, patrons can see and register for upcoming programs, and receive reminders. Afterwards attendance can be tracked, and board and state reports are automatically generated. This all in one solution saves countless staff hours and hassle by eliminating duplicate entry of the same program into multiple spreadsheets, separate web calendars, and paper tally methods that have to be added together at the end of the year.
Benefits of Using Community Calendar
Auto-generates reports to save time on the annual survey and board reporting
State defined categories ensure consistent reporting & answer state questions directly
Makes it easy for you to schedule & publish your program calendar then track results in one central location
Eliminates the need for storing attendance on paper or in multiple spreadsheets
Provides tracking ability for program attendance in-person, online and in views post-event
Reminds patrons of upcoming events & puts them in contact with program coordinators as needed
Streamlines registration providing notice of needed supplies and space
Program managers receive their own login to monitor registrations & attendance
What Partner Libraries Are Saying
“I’m loving the new Community Calendar feature, it makes our record keeping so organized. Before this, we had to keep track of everything on paper and hand tally. The categorizing and counting was so time consuming. Now, Community Calendar does that for us and It’s so much easier!”
– Pocahontas Public Library, Lola DeWall
“WhoFi has been a great addition for us and a huge improvement over the tracking tools we were using before, which was a hodgepodge of spreadsheets and manual tabulations. We had been struggling to figure out how to track virtual programs and offsite programs since previously we relied heavily on our meeting room scheduling software. Hard to do when the program isn’t going to use a room! We are also really excited that it will feed directly into the categories that the state library needs for their annual report. What we report monthly to our Board is always just a little different than what the state asks for so this is very much appreciated. I’ve also found WhoFi to be very responsive to support issues as they are working through how to add this service to their platform.”
– Monique Shore, Drake Community Library
Learn more about Community Calendar and schedule a demonstration of our reporting tools in action!