Zoom for Public Libraries

Online meetings are becoming the norm for many of us for a variety of reasons. Some libraries are migrating their in-person programming to online formats using tools like Zoom or Facebook Live. Since some libraries are still are operating in a limited capacity, their physical meeting spaces may be off-limits, but online meeting spaces are still available and being created using tools like Zoom.  So what exactly is Zoom and how can public libraries use Zoom to meet community needs? What is Zoom?…

How Libraries Help Remote Workers

Your public library offers so much value to your community. Everything from children’s programming, language learning, print, audio and digital books, and that’s just the beginning. And what about considering the public library as a workspace for remote workers? Libraries could serve the remote working community by promoting their space as such.  A recent report shows that remote work has surged 400% in the last ten years. Work flexibility is becoming an expectation for the Millennial…