Community Calendar Makes Library Program Planning Easy
Libraries across the country are adapting to the digital age with more online programming and digital resources available for patrons. This growth can make it complicated to plan, track and manage programs in various formats and on various platforms. While libraries advance and grow their programs, the way they account for attendance is stuck in the past. Hand tallying and paper trails are cumbersome and time consuming. There’s a better way! At WhoFi, we want to make your job easier by…
Program Planning For Public Libraries In The Digital Age
As more programs move outside of the library or on a virtual platform, libraries are struggling to find ways to account for program attendance. A hodgepodge of meeting room scheduling software, excel spreadsheets and manual tabulations just isn’t meeting the needs of the modern library in the digital age. Libraries are seeing program attendance that’s higher than it’s ever been because online platforms can make programs available to more people, since there’s no space or time restrictions like…
Public Libraries Solution To Meeting New PLS Survey Reporting Requirements
The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the way libraries offer programming, with more programs being made available online. With this change also came changes in reporting requirements related to programs. This year libraries will be required to submit additional information about program attendance for the PLS survey. Libraries will need a way to fulfill the upcoming PLS survey requirements that include programming type (in-person, online, or both), attendance numbers, and categories. You may…
Introducing the WhoFi Community Calendar
Community Calendar is the program reporting tool for modern libraries Easily Track Your Library’s Programs For Accurate Reporting Libraries are adapting to meet changing community needs by connecting with patrons online and in-person. The Community Calendar offers a replacement to cumbersome tallying methods. It also helps libraries better understand their patrons to further improve their service. What is Community Calendar? Community Calendar is a reporting tool to help libraries understand…