
5 Summer Reading Ideas for a Successful Season

Are you looking to create more successful and engaging summer programs for your patrons? It can be a challenge to keep returning patrons informed and attract new community members. And let's not forget managing resources and costs for big events. But don't worry, we're here to help! We've gathered proven summer reading ideas from libraries across the country to help make your summer programs a hit. 1. Get to Know Your Community's Interests: New Rochelle Public Library

Room Reservation Software For Libraries

What is Room Reservation Software for Libraries?

Due to growing demands for remote worker and community leaders, public libraries have become essential hubs offering co-working spaces and meeting rooms. However, managing these dynamic spaces efficiently has posted significant challenges. Some directors have found a solution in room reservation software for libraries.  The Challenges:

Library Tools - Directors Connecting In Person

How Directors Find Library Tools and Resources

Staying up-to-date with new tools and services in the evolving library landscape poses a common challenge for directors. As centers of learning, libraries play a critical role in bringing new technology and ideas to their communities. In our quest to understand how new library directors could learn about tools and resources, we conducted a survey and analyzed the results, which we are excited to share! The survey revealed the top sources of information reported by library respondents when…

Doland Community Ceiling Tile Project

Small town libraries making a big impact

Doland Community Library The Doland Community Library relies on its director Natasha Noethlich to carry out most of its services. In an effort to ensure all of the library’s upcoming events were available to the public, Natasha added the Community Calendar from WhoFi to the library website. Natasha can now share the library's upcoming events such as the Ceiling Tile Painting Project going on now. You can see some of the great designs the community has come up with below:

Library Program Seating

5 Reasons To Use Registration for Your Next Library Program

One key element of a successful library program is registration for patrons. While collection methods may vary, the best registration processes can result in more successful programs with more engaged guests. In fact in an article from Science & Technology Libraries researchers found that, "customized communication is at the root of successful library programming". Here are just a few points in the planning process that easy registration could improve programs & events at the library:…

Public Library Insights Q2 of 2022

The second quarter of the year saw the continued higher usage of WiFi among libraries of all population sizes. There was a steady, sustained increase for each of the months in the second quarter of the year. This resulted in a 31% increase when compared to the prior quarter of Q1 2022. This also resulted in a 93% increase when compared to the same quarter of the prior year, or Q2 of 2021. The same quarter prior year increase is particularly encouraging because it indicates that seasonality…

Library Automation Software For Small Libraries

Public libraries offer great value for communities of all sizes. There's no question that the services provided are needed, but libraries may struggle to account for the community impact they have. If you’re looking for clarity on how many patrons use your services, or proving the value of the connection your library brings, you could benefit from library automation software for small libraries.  How can Library Automation Software Help My Library? Simply put, library automation software can…

Public Library Insights Q1 of 2022

The first quarter of the year saw broad based increases in WiFi usage among all population sizes. In previous quarters, rural population areas had an increase in usage much sooner than urban areas. Then over time we saw urban areas begin to catch up with rural areas on a percentage basis. This is the first quarter since the pandemic began that WiFi usage rates for all population areas experienced continued increases. This could be attributed to a variety of things and events that coincide with…