Q1 2024 Public Library WiFi Use

Stable Public Library WiFi Utilization Trends in Q1 2024

The latest analysis of public library WiFi utilization in the first quarter of 2024 indicates a stable trend. This stability not only reflects the return of normalcy following pandemic conditions, but also the pivotal role libraries play for patrons. This quarter we will review observed trends, their potential implications, as well as upcoming digital equity grant opportunities from the NTIA. Monthly Library WiFi Usage - April to March Examining the data from April 2023 to March 2024 reveals a…

2023 Annual Analysis of Public Library WiFi Usage

Analysis of Public Library WiFi Usage in 2023

 Public Library Insights for 2023 In 2023, public libraries continued to play a pivotal role in fostering digital equity and community engagement. Through collaborative efforts with programs like E-Rate and BEAD (Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment), libraries served as essential hubs for connectivity empowering individuals with digital literacy training and expanding access to digital resources nationwide. Innovative library promotion strategies like leveraging social media and adding…

How to Promote Library Services

How to Promote Library Services: Insights from California, Washington, and Utah

Recently it was brought to our attention that libraries in Washington, California, and Utah are successful in promoting their services. In this article, we explore the success stories of these libraries, revealing strategies and best practices for how to promote library services. Discover these resources to transform your library's promotional efforts. Engaging the Community: Strategies that Work

Library Membership Management Title

Library Membership Management Solutions

In the digital age fragmented and complex systems are becoming a thing of the past. In this post we will discuss library membership management challenges and present an all-in-one suite of services as a potential solution. To satisfy the goals of public library directors, we've collected insights about related challenges in conversations with partners. Common Library Challenges:

Q3 2023 Public Library WiFi Use

Public Library WiFi Sessions Q3 2023

Third Quarter 2023: Public Library WiFi Sessions and Digital Equity Trends https://youtu.be/g6xQ8WU06Gw The third quarter of 2023 reaffirmed the critical role public libraries play in providing equitable internet access within the communities they serve. Against the backdrop of increased Summer travel, libraries experienced noteworthy stability in library WiFi sessions. Despite increased travel among patrons, sustained usage patterns revealed the enduring importance of the essential services…

Q2 2023 Library WiFi Usage and Digital Equity Trends

The second quarter of 2023 continued to demonstrate the significance of public library WiFi usage in advancing digital equity and bridging the digital divide. As communities returned to a sense of normalcy following the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a slight increase in WiFi usage this quarter compared to last year. While this increase was smaller than the growth observed from 2021 to 2022, notable trends emerged, reflecting the ongoing efforts of libraries to meet changing community needs. This…

Public Library WiFi Usage

Public Library WiFi Usage Q1 2023

First Quarter 2023 Sees Rise in Public Library WiFi Use The latest data on public library WiFi usage indicates a steady increase in usage during the first quarter of 2023, with libraries working diligently to advance digital equity in their communities. This article explores the potential implications of this trend, from the benefits for patrons and libraries to what the future of public library WiFi may hold. Reliable high speed internet is a critical service offering and one that communities…

Doland Community Ceiling Tile Project

Small town libraries making a big impact

Doland Community Library The Doland Community Library relies on its director Natasha Noethlich to carry out most of its services. In an effort to ensure all of the library’s upcoming events were available to the public, Natasha added the Community Calendar from WhoFi to the library website. Natasha can now share the library's upcoming events such as the Ceiling Tile Painting Project going on now. You can see some of the great designs the community has come up with below:

Library WiFi Usage 2020-2022

Annual Analysis of Public Library WiFi Usage in 2022

WhoFi analyzed data from our library partners to identify library WiFi usage trends. This report includes our findings for 2022. Public Library Insights for 2022 Looking over the WiFi insights from 2022 there were encouraging trends indicating that library service usage is growing and seasonality may be more predictable in the coming years. When we conducted our research using data from libraries throughout the United States there were positive signs of continued growth in usage for services…

Community Calendar New Dashboard Design

WhoFi Launches New Dashboard Design

Dashboard Design This month WhoFi has launched a new dashboard design to improve upon the simplicity and ease of use already offered to our partners. This new design functionality is similar to previous versions such that everything is easy to navigate for existing users. In addition to cosmetic updates we have included some updates to the design of those reports most commonly utilized by partners.