WiFi Analytics Gave Brenda Tools To Help Patrons
Brenda Miller is the director of New Madison Public Library. The pandemic changed the way her library’s patrons interacted with the library and used its resources. Before COVID-19 caused the library to close its doors, patrons would come into the library building to sit and use the free WiFi, browse books, enjoy children’s programming or just have a safe place to hang out. So when the library doors closed because of the pandemic, Brenda noticed different patron behavior, like outdoor and after…
Program Planning For Public Libraries In The Digital Age
As more programs move outside of the library or on a virtual platform, libraries are struggling to find ways to account for program attendance. A hodgepodge of meeting room scheduling software, excel spreadsheets and manual tabulations just isn’t meeting the needs of the modern library in the digital age. Libraries are seeing program attendance that’s higher than it’s ever been because online platforms can make programs available to more people, since there’s no space or time restrictions like…
Public Libraries Solution To Meeting New PLS Survey Reporting Requirements
The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the way libraries offer programming, with more programs being made available online. With this change also came changes in reporting requirements related to programs. This year libraries will be required to submit additional information about program attendance for the PLS survey. Libraries will need a way to fulfill the upcoming PLS survey requirements that include programming type (in-person, online, or both), attendance numbers, and categories. You may…
Monthly At A Glance Report Simplifies Board Reporting
WhoFi is happy to announce the release of the monthly At A Glance Report for all partner libraries. Through conversations with our public library partners, it became clear that there was a need for a simplified board report surrounding their patron WiFi usage. Previously library directors used another WhoFi report, the Trend Summary, to show WiFi usage. The Trend Summary Report is a detailed view of the monthly usage and is great for digging deeper into usage patterns. While directors enjoy the…
Public Library Insights One Year Into The COVID-19 Pandemic
The past year has brought many changes and challenges. And it’s also created an environment for growth. Faced with uncertainty, libraries rose to the challenge and adapted their services to meet the changing needs of their communities. In many ways, libraries are able to meet patrons' needs now even better than before. The flexibility of these new offerings made it easier to reach additional community members, and our library partners think these changes are here to stay. It’s helped libraries…
Getting Social While Social Distancing
Librarians are people who want to connect with their community. Through library services, outreach, programs, and much more, libraries and librarians are beacons to all communities. So when library doors closed due to COVID-19, this was tough on the community and the librarians who thrive on serving and connecting. In times of crisis and economic recession, people need the library more than ever. They need someone to help connect them with free resources, social services, a safe place to use…
How the time of day patrons use WiFi is changing
Free WiFi at public libraries is an often used resource for many patrons. The pandemic is causing changes in how libraries operate and how patrons use library resources. This post covers how the pandemic has caused changes in the times of day that Free WiFi at public libraries is utilized. We show the WiFi usage times from before the pandemic in March of 2020. We then further show how the times have changed throughout the year 2020. The Data WhoFi is a leading provider of Wireless Session…
Curbside Books And Free WiFi
Libraries across the country continue to adapt services to meet patron needs. When the coronavirus took hold in March and public library buildings closed to the public, services continued in a new, modified format. Two of the most popular library services born out of this public health crisis are curbside pick-up programs and outside of the building WiFi use. Curbside programs offer patrons a way to access resources and materials. Libraries offering curbside pick-ups keeps books and other…