Library WiFi Usage 2020-2022

Annual Analysis of Public Library WiFi Usage in 2022

WhoFi analyzed data from our library partners to identify library WiFi usage trends. This report includes our findings for 2022. Public Library Insights for 2022 Looking over the WiFi insights from 2022 there were encouraging trends indicating that library service usage is growing and seasonality may be more predictable in the coming years. When we conducted our research using data from libraries throughout the United States there were positive signs of continued growth in usage for services…

Public Library WiFi Usage Prior 12 Months

Public Library WiFi Usage Insights Q3 2022

Sustained growth has been an ongoing theme in 2022 and the third quarter proved to be no exception with an 8% increase in public library WiFi usage compared with the prior quarter. Looking at data from the Summer there seem to be some interesting trends emerging compared to last year. Particularly the change among certain service population ranges. Reviewing usage trends we have identified fluctuations in usage relevant to library service offerings and how patrons will interact with libraries…

wifi analytics book cover

WhoFi Customers Can Download WiFi Analytics Book For Free

Exciting news for our WhoFi partners: our recently published book, WiFi Analytics: Track, Improve, Grow, is now available to all customers as our gift to you. You can access your digital copy of the WiFi analytics book by logging into your WhoFi dashboard and going to the monthly report section.  At WhoFi, we strongly believe that insights gained through WiFi analytics can improve communities and strengthen public spaces. This is why our co-founder, John Kerber, recently published a book about…

How Libraries Help Remote Workers

Your public library offers so much value to your community. Everything from children’s programming, language learning, print, audio and digital books, and that’s just the beginning. And what about considering the public library as a workspace for remote workers? Libraries could serve the remote working community by promoting their space as such.  A recent report shows that remote work has surged 400% in the last ten years. Work flexibility is becoming an expectation for the Millennial…

public library bookshelf

WiFi analytics relieves the burden of data tracking for public libraries

Public libraries provide a safe space for communities to come together. They serve communities in urban, suburban, and rural neighborhoods. They provide cultural and economic value. And now, many libraries are becoming community hubs. Libraries and public spaces can use WiFi analytics to help tell their story, reinforce their value, and better serve their community. Using WiFi analytics is the best way to harness technology to build strong communities, and it’s easier to do than you may think.……

whofi community center visitors

Using WiFi Analytics To Improve Patron Experiences

The best way to improve your space for your patrons is to analyze the actions of those who frequent your space. Actions speak louder than words, and in the case of creating a thriving public venue, this is absolutely true. People will let you know if you’re meeting their needs by showing up, or not. Make sure your space is answering the call. Use WiFi analytics to understand what your patrons want so you can improve their experience and your space.  WiFi analytics is an easy-to-use technology…

How To Improve Community Spaces In 2020

Communities thrive on interaction. A pleasant and well-designed public space or gathering place has the power to bring people together, which builds stronger communities through connection. When people are connected-every individual, parent, child, and family feel supported. These thriving communities take intentional effort and thoughtful planning. Voters, city planners, businesses and managers of public spaces work together to bring the vision to life.  Many of these improvements require…

Businesses Must Adapt To Consumer Rights To Privacy With New CCPA Law

In recent years, businesses have faced increased pressure to comply with customer privacy regulations as consumers demand ownership over their valuable personal online data. California became the first state to set statewide privacy regulations with The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) that is set to be implemented on January 1, 2020. If your company hosts data from any California citizens — which likely applies to most U.S.-based companies — then you will have to comply. California is…

A Brief History of Location Analytics [Infographic]

A Brief History of Location Analytics Location Analytics is using data from a physical location to learn something.  This article goes through a brief history of how this technology has changed over time.  Like any other analytics, its power grows exponentially with each source of data added. At it’s most basic level, location analytics is just counting what happens is a space. In that case, it’s as old as mathematics. The inventor of Location Analytics would be a Sumerian shop-keeper counting…

Why You Need Location Analytics

Location Analytics will be as familiar as cell phones within the next 10 years. The technology is not a quantum leap. Your cars won’t fly, and your merchandise won’t teleport to front doorsteps. The reason Location Analytics is so important is not that the technology is so advanced; it’s because it’s so simple. You already have the hardware You already have all of the information that Location Analytics can tell you, but you probably don’t know how to get it. Think about the Access Points that…