Zoom for Public Libraries
July 8, 2021Co-working space,Community,Libraries
Online meetings are becoming the norm for many of us for a variety of reasons. Some libraries are migrating their in-person programming to online formats using tools like Zoom or Facebook Live. Since some libraries are still are operating in a limited capacity, their physical meeting spaces may be off-limits, but online meeting spaces are still available and being created using tools like Zoom. So what exactly is Zoom and how can public libraries use Zoom to meet community needs? What is Zoom?…
Nextdoor for Public Libraries
June 25, 2021Community,Libraries
When COVID-19 closed public libraries, librarians quickly adapted their services and outreach efforts for the online space. In this post, we continue the Libraries Online series. If your public library is looking for more ways to connect to your community, consider creating a Nextdoor account for your library. It’s a great platform to communicate to the hyperlocal community about resources and events your library offers. What is Nextdoor? Nextdoor is a private, free social network to connect…
How To Use Instagram To Share Your Library’s Story
June 8, 2021Community,Libraries
Social media is playing a significant role in helping libraries stay relevant in our ever-growing digital society. Just as they are leading the charge in digital equity. As part of our Libraries Online series, we’re sharing ways that libraries can use social media to connect to their community and promote library services. This blog will focus on the Instagram platform and how to use its visual layout to share your library's story. Using Instagram for your library is a great way to share…
Monthly At A Glance Report Simplifies Board Reporting
May 13, 2021Company Updates,Analytics,WiFi analytics,Libraries
WhoFi is happy to announce the release of the monthly At A Glance Report for all partner libraries. Through conversations with our public library partners, it became clear that there was a need for a simplified board report surrounding their patron WiFi usage. Previously library directors used another WhoFi report, the Trend Summary, to show WiFi usage. The Trend Summary Report is a detailed view of the monthly usage and is great for digging deeper into usage patterns. While directors enjoy the…
Public Library Insights One Year Into The COVID-19 Pandemic
May 4, 2021Analytics,Community,WiFi analytics,Libraries
The past year has brought many changes and challenges. And it’s also created an environment for growth. Faced with uncertainty, libraries rose to the challenge and adapted their services to meet the changing needs of their communities. In many ways, libraries are able to meet patrons' needs now even better than before. The flexibility of these new offerings made it easier to reach additional community members, and our library partners think these changes are here to stay. It’s helped libraries…
Getting Social While Social Distancing
April 30, 2021Community,WiFi analytics,Libraries
Librarians are people who want to connect with their community. Through library services, outreach, programs, and much more, libraries and librarians are beacons to all communities. So when library doors closed due to COVID-19, this was tough on the community and the librarians who thrive on serving and connecting. In times of crisis and economic recession, people need the library more than ever. They need someone to help connect them with free resources, social services, a safe place to use…
Introducing the WhoFi Community Calendar
March 9, 2021Company Updates,Community Calendar,Libraries
Community Calendar is the program reporting tool for modern libraries Easily Track Your Library’s Programs For Accurate Reporting Libraries are adapting to meet changing community needs by connecting with patrons online and in-person. The Community Calendar offers a replacement to cumbersome tallying methods. It also helps libraries better understand their patrons to further improve their service. What is Community Calendar? Community Calendar is a reporting tool to help libraries understand…
Q4 Effects of COVID-19 on Public Library WiFi Use
February 26, 2021Location Analytics,Community,Libraries
WhoFi analyzed data from our library partners to determine the effect of COVID-19 on patron WiFi usage. This report includes our findings during Q4 2020. We’re now ten months into the COVID pandemic, and public libraries continue to adapt to this new normal by reinventing their services to meet the current needs of their communities. These new innovations are taking place across the country. Libraries are bolstering their online collections and expanding access, enhancing access to public WiFi,…
Libraries Staying Connected To Patrons With Online and Outdoor Events
January 28, 2021Community,Libraries
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, libraries continue to adapt and find creative ways to stay connected to their communities. From drive-in WiFi, grab and go book pickup, and modified services and programs, libraries are going above and beyond to meet the needs of patrons while staying connected online and outdoors. If your library has outdoor space or a local park area available (and recommended safety guidelines are followed) outdoor programming paired with an online component would be a…
How the time of day patrons use WiFi is changing
January 22, 2021Analytics,WiFi analytics,Libraries
Free WiFi at public libraries is an often used resource for many patrons. The pandemic is causing changes in how libraries operate and how patrons use library resources. This post covers how the pandemic has caused changes in the times of day that Free WiFi at public libraries is utilized. We show the WiFi usage times from before the pandemic in March of 2020. We then further show how the times have changed throughout the year 2020. The Data WhoFi is a leading provider of Wireless Session…