5 Reasons To Use Registration for Your Next Library Program
September 16, 2022Library Program,Library Patrons,Community Calendar,RegistrationAnalytics,Community,Community Calendar,Libraries
One key element of a successful library program is registration for patrons. While collection methods may vary, the best registration processes can result in more successful programs with more engaged guests. In fact in an article from Science & Technology Libraries researchers found that, "customized communication is at the root of successful library programming". Here are just a few points in the planning process that easy registration could improve programs & events at the library:…
Program Registration for Community Calendar
August 31, 2022Community,Library Patrons,Program Engagement,Community Calendar,Commmunity Engagement,RegistrationCompany Updates,Community Calendar,Libraries
How many patrons will attend your upcoming library programs and who will they be? Getting a handle on program registration in advance is a great benefit to program coordinators in planning space, materials, and staff requirements, but the methods of gathering and recording this information have not always been easy. In order to simplify this process, WhoFi now has added registration into Community Calendar's functions allowing program attendees to view upcoming events and register for them…
Public Library Insights Q2 of 2022
August 1, 2022Analytics,Community,WiFi analytics,Libraries
The second quarter of the year saw the continued higher usage of WiFi among libraries of all population sizes. There was a steady, sustained increase for each of the months in the second quarter of the year. This resulted in a 31% increase when compared to the prior quarter of Q1 2022. This also resulted in a 93% increase when compared to the same quarter of the prior year, or Q2 of 2021. The same quarter prior year increase is particularly encouraging because it indicates that seasonality…
How Lisa Used Data To Advocate For Her Library And Secure Grant Money
June 3, 2022Library AdvocacyWiFi analytics,Community Calendar,Libraries
Lisa Johnson is the director of the Orange City Public Library. Like many library directors across the country, she adapted the library services when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and libraries closed their doors to the public. What became the new normal brought about new patron behaviors. She noticed patrons would often sit outside on the ground, on a ledge or in their cars to use the library WiFi. This trend continued as the months went on. With more people needing the library’s WiFi services,…
Library Automation Software For Small Libraries
May 23, 2022Community,WiFi analytics,Libraries
Public libraries offer great value for communities of all sizes. There's no question that the services provided are needed, but libraries may struggle to account for the community impact they have. If you’re looking for clarity on how many patrons use your services, or proving the value of the connection your library brings, you could benefit from library automation software for small libraries. How can Library Automation Software Help My Library? Simply put, library automation software can…
Public Library Insights Q1 of 2022
May 2, 2022Analytics,Community,WiFi analytics,Libraries
The first quarter of the year saw broad based increases in WiFi usage among all population sizes. In previous quarters, rural population areas had an increase in usage much sooner than urban areas. Then over time we saw urban areas begin to catch up with rural areas on a percentage basis. This is the first quarter since the pandemic began that WiFi usage rates for all population areas experienced continued increases. This could be attributed to a variety of things and events that coincide with…
Get Better Results and Save Time With Library Automation Software
April 13, 2022Analytics,Data Privacy,WiFi analytics,Libraries
The past two years have proven that libraries are invaluable. It’s a truth already known, and was further cemented during the Covid-19 pandemic. While libraries continue to serve communities and go above and beyond during times of crisis, their resources are stretched thin. One way to alleviate some of the workload is to automate certain tasks, like data collection. Libraries can improve their services and gain valuable insight by implementing library automation software. How can library…
Community Calendar Branding Customization
March 25, 2022Company Updates,Community Calendar,Libraries
The Community Calendar features just keep getting better! Community Calendar was developed because our library partners wanted a way to create events once and publish directly to their library website. This would eliminate the need for multiple entry of events and free up valuable time. Now, your Community Calendar integrates directly with your website and you can customize it for your own branding. First, email our support team at support@whofi.com to let us know you want to create your…
WhoFi Announces Launch of New Community Calendar Service To Help Libraries Streamline Program Management
March 11, 2022Company Updates,Community Calendar,Libraries
WhoFi announces the launch of its new service, Community Calendar, to help libraries streamline the many aspects of programming. Community Calendar is an all-in-one library program planner that makes it easy to plan, track, and report on programs for the Public Library Survey. It also simplifies the promotional aspects of notifying patrons of future events. This is done by publishing programs directly from the Community Calendar to the libraries’ websites. There is no longer a need for…
Publish Library Events To Your Website With Community Calendar
February 24, 2022Community Calendar,Libraries
Scheduling and publishing your library’s events is getting much easier! Now you can streamline your event planning processes and eliminate double entry with the WhoFi Community Calendar website integration — a new feature that allows you to publish events from your WhoFi Community Calendar dashboard directly to your library’s public facing websites. Website Integrations are now generally available for WhoFi customers using the Community Calendar tool. Integrate the Community Calendar onto your…